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Rights Owners

We are keen to work with rights owners, helping them protect their intellectual property rights and ensure that KapraBazar remains free of counterfeit goods.

Reporting Infringing Items

  • If you see an item advertised on KapraBazar that you feel is an infringement of your intellectual property rights, you can report it to us using the “Report advert” button located in the bottom right hand corner of the advert page. Alternatively, send the http:// address of the page to us using the form at https://kaprabazar.com/
  • If this is the first time you have reported an item, we may take steps to verify that the person reporting the item is indeed the rights owner or an authorised agent. If you use an official company email address when reporting an advert, this should be a quick and simple process.
    Content for infringing items will be removed as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours of submitting your report.
  • When removing items, we will write to the advertiser informing them their item has been removed and providing contact details of the rights holder owner they have any queries. If this is the first time you have reported an item, please let us know the contact details of someone within your organisation that can respond to these queries
  • We will create an account for you on KapraBazar which will enable us to deal with future reports more swiftly. It will also allow you to create your own “About Me” page on KapraBazar, informing members about your products or services.

What do we use this personal data for?

Depending on how you use our Site, your interactions with us, and the permissions you give us, the purposes for which we use your personal data include:

  • To fulfil your order and maintain your online account.
  • To manage and respond to any queries or complaints to our customer service team.
  • To personalise the Site to you and show you content we think you will be most interested in, based on your account information, your purchase history and your browsing activity.
  • To improve and maintain the Site, and monitor its usage.
  • For market research, e.g. we may contact you for feedback about our products.
  • To send you marketing messages and show you targeted advertising, where we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so.
  • For security purposes, to investigate fraud and where necessary to protect ourselves and third parties.
  • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.
  • To comply with regulatory obligations or to help in any investigations by local authorities, the police, HMRC, animal welfare organisations, and trading standards and local councils.

We rely on the following legal basis, under data protection law, to process your personal data:

  • Because the processing is necessary to perform a contract with you, ortake steps prior to entering into a contract with you (e.g. where youhave made a purchase with us, we use your personal data to process thepayment and fulfil your membership).
  • Because we have obtained your consent (e.g. where you contact us with aquery, where you add optional information to your account profile, or ifyou consent to receive marketing from us).
  • Because it is in our legitimate interests as an e-commerce provider tomaintain and promote our services. We are always seeking to understandmore about our customers in order to offer the best products andcustomer experience. We use information about you to tailor your view ofthe Site, to make it more interesting and relevant in respect of theproducts and offers on view.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this process, feel free to contact us at https://kaprabazar.com/ and we would be happy to help.